Cats in a sack
The ramblings of an itinerant pedagogue.
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International Anesthesia Education Forum
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
9th Annual Refresher Course Program
Below is the final program for our 9th Annual Refresher Course.
We're all looking forward to an informative and engaging couple of days.
Hope to see you all there.
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Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Things I Like.
Here are some interesting posts / articles / videos that recently wandered onto my radar. Some may make it into my permanent
pages; some may not.
African aid: helpful or hazardous?
- A look at the current structure of aid to Africa, and how it needs to change.
The “Developing Country” Double Standard
- (Partly) humorous take on the doublespeak involving 'developing' countries vs. 'developed' countries.
Private finance is key to aid efforts
- In 2010, Médecins Sans Frontières donations summed $1.1bn. Were it a country, MSF would have been the 2nd largest humanitarian donor after the US.
“You can’t come here with European eyes”
- A letter from Richard Dowden to John Humphreys on his recent trip to Liberia.
Simon Moss - Africa Is Poor and 5 Other Myths
Why Africa must make its own drugs
Global Health Service Partnership
- A very interesting approach to capacity building coupled with health care supply.
The avoidable crisis of maternal death
. - A shocking infographic from MSF.
Female African Entrepreneurship
- A fantastic infographic from the World Bank (via other folks).
Africa needs research HR strategy
- Africa's health research capacity remains uncoordinated, small-scale and driven from outside the continent.
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